New Site Design
Creating order out of chaos
As Michaelangelo supposedly said of his David: “I chipped away the stone that didn’t look like him!” So it is with golf course design: whittling away the extraneous, leaving the essential. Respecting what exists, then judiciously adding or subtracting that which enhances the design and playability of the future course.

Renovation, remodel, redesign
What’s old is new again
A golf course is a living entity, and like good wine can often age for the better. RTJ II’s design strategy also has changed with the times, embracing modern demands for sustainability and cost-effectiveness. Restoring venerable courses to their former glory might mean eliminating trees and vegetation, but all with an eye toward playability and water conservation.

Master planning
Beyond bunkers and hazards: Seeing the big picture
One key to successful development is the blending of all its major elements into a concise and well-balanced whole. Whether for a resort developer or municipal city planner RTJ II helps owners plot roads, waterways, utility corridors, housing or hotel sites, and other amenities to integrate with the golf course into an overall master plan.

Course purchase evaluations
Hewing diamonds...
It takes years of experience and more than just a bit of vision to see a finished golf routing on land formerly left to nature’s capricious ways. RTJ II doesn’t force-feed a course on land incompatible with budgetary and environmental constraints but will instead merge creativity with technology to achieve the correct design.
Let’s strategize your project